Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cat Pee?

Here is a prime example of why living here is testing my patience as a human being. My grandmother, at first, is against the idea of me bringing my two amazing cats with me; then she starts to come around; then goes back to hating it. We did that dance for quite a while.
Now, there was no way I was coming here without my cats – that is a family known fact. So the cats are here now and she is obsessed with them. Whether it is asking me if they enjoy it in the apartment, how they are feeling, if they have enough food and water, or the more extreme: randomly calling me into her room to complain of a smell that she swears is cat pee. For those of you who have never had the pleasure of smelling cat urine, let me explain, it is the most foul smelling piss ever, there is no mistaking it. I know for a fact that my cats would never “mark” their territory and even if that wasn’t enough – there is NO CAT PEE SMELL!! If she is smelling something, it is NOT the cats. I’m not sure how many more times I can explain this cat urine phenomenon to her before I end up buying cat piss on the black market and letting her smell it and understand what I am saying. And as much as she wants to play it off like she doesn’t care – let’s not forget, I can hear everything; so yes, I hear when she talks to them all night and all day. I hear her asking them how they are doing, what they are doing, if they want love. Someone who shouts without realizing, can’t hide from me. 

1 comment:

  1. I haven't smelled cat pee, but I have smelled deer urine and if cat pee is anything like that then yuck! -AM
